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This library is designed to write structured, readable and reusable parsers for html, raw text and is inspired by dataclasses and ORM libraries

🚨 Scrape-schema is currently in Pre-Alpha. Please expect breaking changes.


Simplifying parsers support, where it is difficult to use or the complete absence of the API interfaces, decrease boilerplate code and easy separate extraction logic from the crawling

Structuring, data serialization and use as an intermediate layer for third-party serialization libraries: json, dataclasses, pydantic, etc


  • Built top on Parsel.
  • re, css, xpath, jmespath, chompjs features.
  • Fluent interface simular parsel.Selector API for easy to use.
  • Decrease boilerplate code.
  • Does not depend on the http client implementation, use any!
  • Python 3.8+ support.
  • Reusability, code consistency.
  • Dataclass-like structure.
  • Partial support auto type-casting from annotations (str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Optional)
  • Detailed logging process to make it easier to write a parser


pip install scrape-schema


The fields interface is similar to the original parsel library

# Example from parsel documentation
from parsel import Selector
text = """
                <h1>Hello, Parsel!</h1>
                    <li><a href="">Link 1</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Link 2</a></li>
                <script type="application/json">{"a": ["b", "c"]}</script>

def schema(txt: str):
    selector = Selector(text=txt)
    return {
        "h1": selector.css('h1::text').get(),
        "words": selector.xpath('//h1/text()').re(r'\w+'),
        "urls": selector.css('ul > li').xpath('.//@href').getall(),
        "sample_jmespath_1": selector.css('script::text').jmespath("a").get(),
        "sample_jmespath_2": selector.css('script::text').jmespath("a").getall()

# {'h1': 'Hello, Parsel!',
# 'words': ['Hello', 'Parsel'],
# 'urls': ['', ''],
# 'sample_jmespath_1': 'b',
# 'sample_jmespath_2': ['b', 'c']}
from scrape_schema import BaseSchema, Parsel

class Schema(BaseSchema):
    h1: str = Parsel().css('h1::text').get()
    words: list[str] = Parsel().xpath('//h1/text()').re(r'\w+')
    urls: list[str] = Parsel().css('ul > li').xpath('.//@href').getall()
    sample_jmespath_1: str = Parsel().css('script::text').jmespath("a").get()
    sample_jmespath_2: list[str] = Parsel().css('script::text').jmespath("a").getall()

text = """
                <h1>Hello, Parsel!</h1>
                    <li><a href="">Link 1</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Link 2</a></li>
                <script type="application/json">{"a": ["b", "c"]}</script>

# {'h1': 'Hello, Parsel!',
# 'words': ['Hello', 'Parsel'],
# 'urls': ['', ''],
# 'sample_jmespath_1': 'b',
# 'sample_jmespath_2': ['b', 'c']}

The scrape_schema example output looks like the previous one, why do you need this library?

  • Easy to modify
  • Easy add additional methods
  • Easy to port to another project without having to deal with the logic and call stack
  • IDE typing support

For example, if you need to modify a parser, with scrape_schema it is easy and simple to do!

from uuid import uuid4
from datetime import datetime

from scrape_schema import BaseSchema, Parsel, sc_param, Callback
from scrape_schema.validator import markup_pre_validator

class Schema(BaseSchema):
    # invoke simple functions to fields output
    # add uuid4 id
    id: str = Callback(lambda: str(uuid4()))
    # add parse date
    date: str = Callback(lambda: str(

    h1: str = Parsel().css('h1::text').get()
    # convert to upper case
    h1_upper: str = Parsel().css('h1::text').get().upper()
    # convert to lower case
    h1_lower: str = Parsel().css('h1::text').get().lower()

    words: list[str] = Parsel().xpath('//h1/text()').re(r'\w+')
    # alt solution split words
    words_2: list[str] = Parsel().xpath('//h1/text()').get().split()
    # join result by ' - ' string
    words_join: str = Parsel().xpath('//h1/text()').re(r'\w+').join(" AND ")
    urls: list[str] = Parsel().css('ul > li').xpath('.//@href').getall()
    # replace http protocol to https
    urls_https: list[str] = Parsel().css('ul > li').xpath('.//@href').getall().replace("http://", "https://")
    # you can modify output keys
    sample_jmespath_1: str = Parsel(alias="jsn1").css('script::text').jmespath("a").get()
    sample_jmespath_2: list[str] = Parsel(alias="class").css('script::text').jmespath("a").getall()

    # or calc json count values
    jsn_len: int = Parsel(auto_type=False).css('script::text').jmespath("a").getall().count()

    # pre validation markup input before parse text.
    # if text from first h1 element != 'Hello, Parsel!' - throw `SchemaPreValidationError` exception
    def validate_markup(self) -> bool:
        return self.__selector__.css('h1::text').get() == 'Hello, Parsel!'

    # or create fields with custom rule
    def custom(self) -> str:
        return "hello world!"

    # you can add extra methods!
    def parse_urls(self):
        for url in self.urls:
            print(f"parse {url}")

text = """
                <h1>Hello, Parsel!</h1>
                    <li><a href="">Link 1</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Link 2</a></li>
                <script type="application/json">{"a": ["b", "c"]}</script>

schema = Schema(text)
# invoke custom method
# parse
# parse


# !!!field from @sc_param decorator
#   vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# {'custom': 'hello world!',
#  !!!simple functions callbacks output
#  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# 'id': '6b66de7b-5b5f-445a-b8a7-3b17332c1ff5',
# 'date': '2023-09-29 18:47:03.638941',
# 'h1': 'Hello, Parsel!', 'h1_upper': 'HELLO, PARSEL!', 'h1_lower': 'hello, parsel!',
# 'words': ['Hello', 'Parsel'], 'words_2': ['Hello,', 'Parsel!'],
# 'words_join': 'Hello AND Parsel',
# 'urls': ['', ''],
# 'urls_https': ['', ''],
#         !!!changed key alias 'sample_jmespath_2' TO 'class'!!!
#               vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# 'jsn1': 'b', 'class': ['b', 'c'], 'jsn_len': 2}

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.